NPM | NodeJS | TypeScript

NodeJS is a powerful JavaScript runtime engine built on Chrome’s V8 engine. It’s perfect for building backend apps, and algo-bots run great in this environment.


Getting started is easy:

  • Create your project
  • Install TAAPI.IO
  • Fetch some indicators
# Create project folder
$ mkdir my-bot-project
$ cd my-bot-project

# Init NodeJS project and install taapi
$ npm init
$ npm install taapi --save

# CommonJS
$ touch index.js # Create a JS index file

# TypeScript
$ touch index.ts # Create a TS index file

# Boot up your IDE
$ code .


// Import
import Taapi from 'taapi';

// Or

// Require
const Taapi = require("taapi");

// Init taapi
const taapi = new Taapi.default("<TAAPI_SECRET>");


// Import
import Taapi from 'taapi';

// Init taapi
const taapi = new Taapi("<TAAPI_SECRET>");

Default Exchange

All Crypto calls uses the exchange ‘Binance’ as the default exchange. To override this, simply call setDefaultExchange(exchange: string) . Please refer to this list of exchanges.


Set data provider

When calling other asset classes than Crypto, you will need to set your data provider. For Stocks & Forex, is a great provider, and a partner of TAAPI.IO. Please visit Polygon with TAAPI.IO for more information.

To get setup, simple set your provider credentials like so:

taapi.setProvider("polygon", "<POLYGON_SECRET>");

Get an indicator

The ‘getIndicator’ method below will fetch a single indicator, it takes 5 parameters:

indicatorstringtrueExample ‘rsi’, ‘macd’, ’ema’. Please see indicators for a complete list.
symbolstringtrueSymbol or pair. Base asset is always separated from quote asset for a forward slash (/). Example ‘BTC/USDT’. For a list of available symbols, click your exchange in the list of exchanges.
intervalstringtrueInterval or timeframe. Example ‘1d’. For a list of available timeframes, click your exchange in the list of exchanges.
paramsobjectfalseEach indicator have a variety of settings you can override the defaults with. Find all available parameters for the above selected indicator by clicking the indicator. As an example, calling the ’ema’ indicator can override the period from the default ’30’: { period: 200 }
exchangestringfalseDefaults to ‘binance’. Other exchanges are available too. Use the setDefaultExchange(exchange: string) method to override this default.


Get the Relative Strength Index for Bitcoin to the US Dollar on the 1 hour timeframe from Binance.

taapi.getIndicator("rsi", "BTC/USDT", "1h").then( rsi => {

If everything is setup correctly, you should get a JSON response with an RSI value:

{ value: 43.990028243701715 }

More advanced example

Fetch the last closed 200 period Exponential Moving Average for Bitcoin to the Dollar on the 1 hour timeframe from the Bybit exchange.

taapi.getIndicator("ema", "BTC/USDT", "1h", { period: 200, backtrack: 1 }, "bybit").then( ema => {
{ value: 17353.488605268773 }

Stocks & Forex with Polygon

Using our integration partner, you can easily fetch indicators from the US Stocks & Forex markets. Visit our guide on how to use Polygon with TAAPI.IO for detailed explanations.

To set up the client, simple call setProvider(provider: string, providerSecret: string)

In this example, let’s fetch the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (aka MACD) for AAPL on the daily timeframe with data.

// Set provider
taapi.setProvider("polygon", "<POLYGON_SECRET>");

// Get stocks indicator
taapi.getIndicator("macd", "AAPL", "1d", { 
    type: "stocks"
}).then( macd => {

You should get back a result similar to:

  valueMACD: -0.8765850243943873,
  valueMACDSignal: -0.5979790654506276,
  valueMACDHist: -0.2786059589437597


Bulk requests allows you to calculate up to 20 indicators in just 1 request. If your taapi plan allows it, you can even call multiple constructs in one request. Executing bulk requests is very easy. For more information on bulk calls, please visit the Direct Method guide. There are 3 methods available:


This will reset the bulk request and make it ready for a new run.


Adds an indicator calculation to the construct stack. The below parameters are available.

indicatorstringtrueExample ‘rsi’, ‘macd’, ’ema’. Please see indicators for a complete list.
symbolstringtrueSymbol or pair. Base asset is always separated from quote asset for a forward slash (/). Example ‘BTC/USDT’. For a list of available symbols, click your exchange in the list of exchanges.
intervalstringtrueInterval or timeframe. Example ‘1d’. For a list of available timeframes, click your exchange in the list of exchanges.
idstringfalseSet your own ID for this calculation, otherwise the system will auto generate one.
paramsobjectfalseEach indicator have a variety of settings you can override the defaults with. Find all available parameters for the above selected indicator by clicking the indicator. As an example, calling the ’ema’ indicator can override the period from the default ’30’: { period: 200 }
exchangestringfalseDefaults to ‘binance’ in the case of Crypto calls. Other exchanges are available too. Use the setDefaultExchange(exchange: string) method to override this default.

executeBulk(type: string)

Execute the bulk request. This method takes 1 parameter, the type of asset. This type may be 1 of 3: [“crypto”, “stocks”, “forex”].


Execute a Crypto bulk request. Type defaults to ‘crypto’.


// Reset

// Add calculations
taapi.addCalculation("rsi", "BTC/USDT", "1h", "rsi_1h");
taapi.addCalculation("macd", "BTC/USDT", "1h", "macd_1h");
taapi.addCalculation("ema", "BTC/USDT", "1h", "ema_fast_1h", { period: 9, backtrack: 1 });
taapi.addCalculation("ema", "BTC/USDT", "1h", "ema_slow_1h", { period: 20, backtrack: 1 });

// Execute Crypto request
taapi.executeBulk().then( results => {
}).catch( error => {
  rsi_1h: { value: 45.93741130322255 },
  macd_1h: {
    valueMACD: -33.07013069050299,
    valueMACDSignal: -14.928824755120573,
    valueMACDHist: -18.14130593538242
  ema_fast_1h: { value: 17702.837602780794 },
  ema_slow_1h: { value: 17750.77062351824 }

To get indicators from other exchanges, override the default with setDefaultExchange(exchange: string) or, use:

taapi.addCalculation("rsi", "BTC/USDT", "1d", "rsi_bybit_1d", {}, "bybit");
taapi.addCalculation("ema", "BTC/USDT", "1d", "ema_bybit_1d", {}, "bybit");

Stocks & Forex with Polygon

Using our integration partner, you can easily fetch indicators from the US Stocks & Forex markets. Visit our guide on how to use Polygon with TAAPI.IO for detailed explanations.

To set up the client, simple call setProvider(provider: string, providerSecret: string)


// Reset

// Set data provider
taapi.setProvider("polygon", "<POLYGON_SECRET>");

// Add calculations
taapi.addCalculation("rsi", "AAPL", "1d", "rsi_aapl_1d");
taapi.addCalculation("macd", "AAPL", "1d", "macd_aapl_1d");
taapi.addCalculation("ema", "AAPL", "1d", "ema_fast_aapl_1d", { period: 9 });
taapi.addCalculation("ema", "AAPL", "1d", "ema_slow_aapl_1d", { period: 20 });

// Execute
taapi.executeBulk("stocks").then( results => {
}).catch( error => {
  rsi_aapl_1d: { value: 35.83106079697871 },
  macd_aapl_1d: {
    valueMACD: -2.0493879295945874,
    valueMACDSignal: -1.025298283156676,
    valueMACDHist: -1.0240896464379114
  ema_fast_aapl_1d: { value: 141.05776405055647 },
  ema_slow_aapl_1d: { value: 143.38011018513154 }


Same thing goes for Forex

// Reset

// Set data provider
taapi.setProvider("polygon", "<POLYGON_SECRET>");

// Add calculations
taapi.addCalculation("rsi", "EUR/USD", "1d", "rsi_eurodollar_1d");
taapi.addCalculation("macd", "EUR/USD", "1d", "macd_eurodollar_1d");
taapi.addCalculation("ema", "EUR/USD", "1d", "ema_fast_eurodollar_1d", { period: 9 });
taapi.addCalculation("ema", "EUR/USD", "1d", "ema_slow_eurodollar_1d", { period: 20 });

taapi.executeBulk("forex").then( results => {
}).catch( error => {

Note. With Forex calls, symbols are always separated in base and quote assets with a forward slash (/), and in all uppercase: BASE/QUOTE.

Mutiple constructs

If your TAAPI.IO plan supports multiple constructs, you can even mix things up. This call will use 4 constructs.

taapi.addCalculation("rsi", "BTC/USDT", "1h", "bitcoin_rsi_binance_1h"); // Bitcoin RSI on the hourly from Binance
taapi.addCalculation("ema", "BTC/USDT", "1d", "bitcoin_ema_binance_1d", { period: 20, backtrack: 1}); // Bitcoin yesterdays EMA on the daily from Binance
taapi.addCalculation("rsi", "XRP/USDT", "1d", "ripple_rsi_binance_1d"); // Ripple RSI on the daily from Binance
taapi.addCalculation("macd", "BTC/USDT", "1h", "bitcoin_macd_bybit_1h", {}, "bybit"); // Bitcoin MACD on the hourly from Bybit
taapi.addCalculation("ema", "BTC/USDT", "1d", "bitcoin_ema_bybit_1d", {}, "bybit"); // Bitcoin EMA on the daily from Bybit
  bitcoin_rsi_binance_1h: { value: 31.138386432464028 },
  bitcoin_ema_binance_1d: { value: 17176.752098777255 },
  ripple_rsi_binance_1d: { value: 44.52095009510708 },
  bitcoin_macd_bybit_1h: {
    valueMACD: -85.06838471327501,
    valueMACDSignal: -48.551737955150664,
    valueMACDHist: -36.516646758124345
  bitcoin_ema_bybit_1d: { value: 17284.707768052504 }

Discover Symbols

With this client, you can get an up-to-date list of symbols that are being traded on an exchange. For this you will need to use the ‘getExchangeSymbols’ method. This method takes 3 arguments.

typeStringYesOptions include: [crypto, stocks, forex]
exchangeStringDependsRequired for Crypto & Stocks
quoteAssetStringNoFor instance ‘USD’ or ‘USDT’

Below is an example of how to get all USDT pairs traded on Binance:

taapi.getExchangeSymbols("crypto", "binance", "USDT").then( symbols => {

Stocks & Forex

To get symbols for Stocks & Forex, you’ll also need to provide the ‘provider’ and ‘providerSecret’. You do that with the same setProvider method as described above. Below a couple of examples


Get stocks symbols from the New York Stock Exchange. For a list of Stock Exchanges and their Market Identifier Codes, please visit:

// Get all symbols traded on the New York Stock Exchange
taapi.setProvider("polygon", "<POLYGON_SECRET>");

taapi.getExchangeSymbols("stocks", "XNYS").then( symbols => {


Forex with Polygon does not come from a specific exchange, thus the exchange parameter is not required. Below a couple of examples on how to query Forex symbols.

// Get all forex pairs
taapi.setProvider("polygon", "<POLYGON_SECRET>");

taapi.getExchangeSymbols("forex").then( symbols => {

// Get all USD forex pairs
taapi.setProvider("polygon", "<POLYGON_SECRET>");

taapi.getExchangeSymbols("forex", "", "USD").then( symbols => {

That’s it!

Hopefully this should get you going with ease using NodeJS. Suggestions, improvements, comments always welcome!

Happy trading!